UNIT 50: AO 1 Understand how sound elements are used in media products.
Learners analyse THREE sound elements used in media products, including:
a) purposeb) elements
c) meaning
1) What is the purpose of the dialogue used?
The purpose of which the dialogue is used is to establish the different personalities of the characters across to us by showing us what their like in the clip via body language and speech.
Also the purpose of the clip is to give us the story, the story behind whom they really and possibly a story of narrative.
It sets the terms of the program and gives us a simple genre of time, like the period of which they're in because of the technology and the fact that each of them are on probation.
I think there's also the purpose of entertainment, because from the opening clip we're taken through humor and given the terms of amusement and the establishment of comedy.
2) Analyse each character's dialogue looking at register, vocabulary, accent, tone and volume. And explain what it tells us about them as a character in terms of class, social background, personality.
Always has a mischievous smirk or his face, as seen in the image aside taken from the watched clip. Has a lot of sarcasm. Cocky attitude. Playful. Polite. Condescending. Natural. Open minded. Snarky jerkass.
Mocking tone of voice, the following quote shows apart of his personality. " Yeah, but what if they're right? No offense, but I'm thinking some people are just born criminals."Volume and accent: He has a strong southern Irish accent which makes him sound rhythmic as it's soft, a very clear volume of speech but always trys to dominate the banter of conversation and be the center of attention. He's a very clear spoken guy. He talks in full grammar unlike some of the others we see in the opening clip for example like Gary because its not general small talk thrown at you it comes across as being really laid back.
Non UK. Classless and different.
Vocabulary- vulgar and pushes the boundaries, by interfering with everything gets said by making comments to other people about what they say and questions each and everyone little this that gets said. But he doesn't swear. Witty and has a certain idea of intelligence. Counter argumentative = argues against all points made.
Overall I think it tells us that Nathan is a very easy going gentle person with an atrocious cocky personality who has the idea of dominating other people and likes to be the center of attention but he would never admit to it. I think he's also insecure because he acts like someone he's not due to the sarcasm and annoyingness he generates and gives across to us as an audience watching him. And he comes across as lonely due to the stares of emotion he gives, and the attention that he wants to himself.

Alisha: is a young careless girl who really doesn't care about her attitude towards things. from the start we can see that she likes to show off her body by the way in which she sort of boosts herself up when she's changing into her probation clothing.
Shes dainty, overlooked, childish, playful, flirty, and a show off and irresponsible.
Volume and accent: her accent comes across to me as cockney because she doesn't seem to have anything else revolved around it besides the fact that she seem quiet and innocent but there's an edge to the way in which she says things to people, like a sort of out there Londoner. Her volume fits her really well as a person because she's not loud and she's not vibrant for example when she's speaking on the phone to her friend she's really casual and laid-back a dainty about what shes doing, but whilst shes in the background of other people you cannot really here her over Nathan and Gary fighting together.
Vocabulary: she has a very poor sense of vocab to the fact which makes her seem slightly chavy but it suits her really well, due to the fact that it fits in with who she is and her background of being a possible player with the guys, and a major flirt with others, and a joker also but it helps her stand her guard and not look so small.
I think that Alisha has made herself look really silly and pathetic with the way she acts in this, because she comes across as being a really sweet and innocent person being thrown into the possibly category of a slag, and someone who sleeps around and finds everything on earth attractive. She's a girl who uses her body emotions to draw things to her and to make friends with her attitude of being a typical flirt. But also very strong.

Volume and accent: Curtis comes across to me as having a causal everyday street talk language and speaks like you'd expect him too because he has a fairly upper class value to his grammar the volume is highly not what we'd expect from him as he looks like the quiet type but he really isn't and this makes him stand out due toe the fact that he's and athletic person it makes him bold and loud, the accent he proceeds shows us that he's probably from a well brought up area, he has a deep tonal London/English voice which portrays his attitude of probation.
Vocabulary and tone: He has a very clear speech of grammar, and knows how to mix words to confuse people. The tone of voice he has shows great attitude because he speaks for what he believes in and know that he's better then other people around him due to being a famous athlete, regardless of being convicted this doesn't change his body language or anything. But he like Nathan like's to draw attention to himself, but he's also a really laid back person from how we see him in the clip as causally slouching against all means, not paying attention.
Overall i think that from what I've seen that Curtis is someone who knows how to handle his own battles but hate the company of being around others who are literally scum to him from the past offences in which they've proceeded. And also that he's a person who takes things strongly and to heart but also someone that's laid back and can enjoy a good laugh once he knows people.

Volume and accent: Gary comes across as having a very rough accent which i think shows that he may've possibly been brought up area, and falls into the stereotypical brand of being a chav, due to the way he acts among himself and also the attitude he shows and the roughness of what he's like around others but also sounds as if he's an actor trying to put on a cockney gangster type of talk. Meanwhile his volume is not what you'd expect because its loud, clear and also vibrant across the whole clip, he's one of which likes to be shown as strong and bold against others and he's able to dominate over people especially Nathan which comes out as a bad thing when they start fighting instantly.
Vocabulary & tone: Garys tone of voice is a very short tempered aggressive one, and we can tell this from the way he acts around other, and example would be when they're out on probation painting, and without reason he kicks over a can of paint when just one little thing goes wrong around him, it give me the impression that he's not the sort of nice genuine person he looks like, whereas inside he's spiteful and vicious to other people and has to big himself up to prove being boss.
His vocabulary is extremely vulgar and we're able to see this within moments of watching, when he says something to Nathan about "ripping his throat out" and then getting into a fight, he didn't like that fact that Nathan was one to argue back among any purpose and joined in the argument of the probation worker in-charge calling the bunch of them scum.
From what i've seen and analysed about Gary is that he's a very hot headed guy, who likes to get his own way with everything he does, but he hates it when other people try to look bigger then the person he is or they are. My reasons would be that when he fights with Nathan he doesn't back down, he's someone who has to prove the points and facts right to win them over. Also he's come across as being your everyday typical "gangster" style chav with the political grammar he uses mixed up into slang.

Volume and accent: Kellys volume of which we can see is rather loud and ferocious, we can see this because when she talks shes not a quiet character, everything she says we can hear and due to each and every-word being loud and clear. But also this could be something that she does for herself to make other understand who she is and the class of her upbringing as she comes across as your everyday chav with bad grammar.But she's genuinely a really loud person at heart and means well to others.
I think that her accent may be something around the areas of Scottish because it's really deep and vibrant, but then again i don't understand how you could be a Scottish chav, but it makes her sound really butch and manly overall together, also it fits well with her though, because it dominates her as a person and the loudness in which she has.
Vocabulary and tone: Kelly's vocabulary doesn't define her very well, it makes us see that she's not the brightest of the bunch, but we're able to strongly understand what she says. But she's very demanding with the words that she uses, it shows that she's a strong person who doesn't take grief from others but it's also rough vocabulary due to her accent and her 'chav' category. Her tone is rather laid back, and that she doesn't really care about what she says to people she just wants to show herself as something better to others.
I think that her accent may be something around the areas of Scottish because it's really deep and vibrant, but then again i don't understand how you could be a Scottish chav, but it makes her sound really butch and manly overall together, also it fits well with her though, because it dominates her as a person and the loudness in which she has.
Vocabulary and tone: Kelly's vocabulary doesn't define her very well, it makes us see that she's not the brightest of the bunch, but we're able to strongly understand what she says. But she's very demanding with the words that she uses, it shows that she's a strong person who doesn't take grief from others but it's also rough vocabulary due to her accent and her 'chav' category. Her tone is rather laid back, and that she doesn't really care about what she says to people she just wants to show herself as something better to others.
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