Peer feedback sheets for rough cut.
1: By Christofer Yarwood
2: Evie Heffer
List the strengths and weakness for the dialogue, sound FXs and the music.
- dialogue was not able to be heard over the music and sound extras that i added
- strong background noise
- dialogue missing
- sound FX at the start gives a good opening
- ^ creates a good deep effect of suspicion
- the own done scream sounded like it was far away and not close by
List the strengths and weakness for the dialogue, sound FXs and the music.
- dialogue was not able to be heard over the music and sound extras that i added
- strong background noise
- dialogue missing
- sound FX at the start gives a good opening
- ^ creates a good deep effect of suspicion
- the own done scream sounded like it was far away and not close by
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?
The aspects of which i want to improve would be near enough everything to do with the sound due to the fact that we filmed the rough cut in short notice of getting actors.
What i would do if i had to do this again i would use a separate microphone to gain the dialogue and the background noise should be looked at to see if it can be lowered in db to create less noise in the footage itself. And to change the depth of the backing music.
The aspects of which i want to improve would be near enough everything to do with the sound due to the fact that we filmed the rough cut in short notice of getting actors.
What i would do if i had to do this again i would use a separate microphone to gain the dialogue and the background noise should be looked at to see if it can be lowered in db to create less noise in the footage itself. And to change the depth of the backing music.
Special Effects
List the strengths and weakness for effects in terms of technical quality, authenticity and how they fit into the narrative.- poorly created and rushed time for the VFX of lightning.
- quality key was average
- technicality was good for the usage of adjustment layers and presets to create the clip of the lightning with the keyframes along side.
- the strength is that it fits into the scene
-weakness is that you dont know the story to why theres lightning.
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?
I intend to improve the aspects of the VFXS by taking time time i have on my own to practice at home in my free time, so that when it comes to doing the final editing in a few weeks for the full version that im then able to put in all the full effects that i need.
List the strengths and weakness for effects in terms set dressing, acting, composition, editing.
- Acting problems, scripts were not known fully this caused mistakes.
- The Jump effect took a lot of stress and hassle and was not thought through in enough detail.
- The dressing was good because it was fairly casual but fitted the characters well.
- Composition was awful, there wasn't much effort put in in my own honest opinion.-Editing was good, but could be improved a lot.
Does the narrative make sense? The narrative is in sequence but personally to myself i dont think that it makes sense on my own terms because from my feedback it made me realise that it wasn't very understandable and didn't fit right in some areas of footage.
Does the action flow?
The action flows throughout the whole clip but some bits were rather jumpy and to fast.
Is it entertaining?
Does the action flow?
The action flows throughout the whole clip but some bits were rather jumpy and to fast.
Is it entertaining?
Some parts could come across as comical more then horrific, but honestly no it's not entertaining.
What aspects do you intend to improve and how?
I intend to have a production meeting with my other team members to take into action each others opinions on which we could sort out, because the footage was all over the place and roles need to be taken seriously.
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