Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Health and safety awareness.

Name: Gary- site manager.

Over five years he's worked here he has seen that there's a lot of things we need to be aware with as media students and the things that we should take into consideration while filming.

Within this we should always be thinking about the risks and benifits to the people around us and what may or may not go wrong, of we assess the areas we're wanting to use.

List of things not to do:
Climbing on school benches, one slip from a height could lead to bad internal damage, and the bales aren't made for the correct weight and have the risks of being slippery.
Shooting on stairs- we have to be aware of the other students that are around us, people may not see us from round the corners, and if we're using wires and tripods trips can be caused. But be aware of others.
With example of people doing parkour on the roof for filming, which was a definite no for health and safety.
Another could be baked beans placed on the floor bad idea, cause cause a lot of slipping.
Don't lay in the areas of a busy corridor to avoid trampling and accidents.
Take extreme caution in outdoor areas due to the rainfall and weather, this could lead to slipping over, and many injureys such as sprains, cuts, and possible breakages.

Always use the high vis filming jackets and signs.

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